Mechanical Seals are devices that are used to provide a seal at the point of entry or exit of a rotating shaft e.g., Pumps and Agitators. Typically, it is used to prevent the leakage of one high pressure fluid into a lower pressure or atmosphere. Mechanical seals consists primarily of a rotary seal face with a driving mechanism which rotates at the same speed as the pump shaft, a stationary seal face which mates with the rotary and is retained using a gland or in some pump models an integral stuffing box cover, a tension assembly (utilizing springs or a metal bellows) keeps the rotary face firmly positioned against the stationary face preventing, excluding, and containing contamination and leakage, both when the pump is not in operation and when the pump shaft is rotating. These Seals come in various types which include single springs pump seals, multi-spring seal designs, metal bellows seals, and single and double cartridge seals. All of which are available in many different material options based on the application. Since there are so many options, no one seal will work in all applications. Therefore, it is important to be able to identify the temperature range, application, and environment the seal will have to endure to choose the correct seal that is right for your application. Not taking all these variables into consideration can cause fatal and/or extremely expensive seal failure.

As you can see the correct seal for the job will prevent environmental or product contamination, and result in cost savings, through improved machine operating efficiency, longer life, and machine safety. Given the economic climate of the world we are in right now it is essential that you choose what is best suited for your application for the long run. To learn more about Mechanical Seals, how to identify them and which seal would be the best for your application please contact us at and one of our technical representatives will assist you and ensure that you get the most out of your seals and your machines.