O-RING MATERIALS – Right Temperature…Wrong materials

An O-ring, also known as a packing or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface. O-rings may be used in static or in dynamic applications and they come in a variety of sizes and materials. This is the most popular product used for your major and everyday sealing solutions. Leaky faucet? Leaky water filter or shower head? Chances are you need to replace your O-ring. They can also be found in more complex systems such as Ammonia & Solenoid as well as Piston Liners.

Every little detail is most assuredly important when selecting your O-ring. It is based on chemical compatibility, application temperature, sealing pressure, lubrication requirements, durometer, size and cost. If anything is missed, then your O-ring can be rendered obsolete. CLICK HERE FOR OUR CHART SHOWING THE DIFFERENT MATERIALS AND THEIR SPECIFICATIONS.


Years ago I had an experience where a customer that maintained some large Natural gas compressors came to me complaining of a power cylinder liner O-ring leaking coolant into the crankcase and contaminating lube oil causing more frequent oil changes at almost 8 barrels per change. When I looked at it, what I found was that the OEM was using Viton material to seal off against hot jacket cooling water/glycol. My guess is this O-ring was chosen based on temperature specifications and not the application. In this application, Parker rates this material as a 4 (unsatisfactory). Viton will work well in hot hydrocarbons but poorly in hot water/steam, it will deteriorate very quickly. Water as most people say is just water, but depending on the application and temperature it could be very chemical by nature and aggressive. We recommended EPDM; Parker rated as a 1 (Satisfactory) in this application. After installing our recommendation, they ran the full-service life of the oil without contamination.

You should never feel intimidated when replacing that leaky O-ring. Yes, there are thousands of sizes and different materials for the different applications but finding the right one is so much easier than you think. Give us all the details, even the ones you might not think is important, and our staff will find the most suitable O-rings for you.


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